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We don’t mince words about what we believe: Data availability is a right, not a privilege. 

Sure, replication is big business today. Mission-critical high availability is huge for our traditional storage peers — which explains the soaring prices of the most popular solutions. You can pay mid- to high-six-figure prices for Dell EMC. You’ll even pay high-five-figure rates for Netapp and SnapMirror. 

But here at Panzura, we’re doing things differently, as always. 

Ensuring our customers always have access to their data is a core promise we deliver on. In fact, we feel it’s so critical that we give it away. For free

That’s right, Panzura offers free remote replication capabilities. And, if you need a more intense solution, we’ve got high availability cloud mirroring business continuity solutions that are on par with or better than the high-dollar options. Better yet, we make them available in the very low, one-figure price ranges. 

How is Panzura’s cloud mirroring so affordable? 

With our 8.1 platform release, Panzura launched cloud mirroring capabilities that provide auto-failover in the event of an outage and automatic data sync when the primary store comes back up — all with zero egress fees.

With Panzura CloudFS, it doesn’t matter if your primary cloud goes down and doesn’t fail over on their end (because let’s be honest, regardless of how many availability zones they offer, it’s happened). When that cloud outage inevitably occurs, we’ll automatically fail you over to your secondary object store and maintain availability to your entire GFS without missing a beat or charging you an arm and a leg and a firstborn child. 

You deserve this kind of continuity. And we’ve got the brightest engineers in the business, making it simple, intuitive, and cost-effective.

Shift the balance of power in the fight against ransomware.

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How does CloudFS Remote Replication work?

At the edge, on the CloudFS nodes, we simply write split data between any two clouds of your choosing, even if one is on-prem. That could look like your AWS S3 bucket mirrored to your Azure blob. Or, it could be your Azure blob mirrored to on-premises MinIO. Whatever your favorite S3-compatible object stores are, we can equip cloud mirroring that ensures seamless continuity. 

Since we cache your data at the edge, you get to choose the failback time once your primary cloud has been restored. Then, all that happens is all the cached IO on the CloudFS nodes sync back to the primary cloud. Everything is happening right at the edge of the CloudFS nodes, which is why there are no egress fees involved. Brilliant, right?