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Global Metadata

Metadata – data about data – is used to identify file location, file size, when it was created and last updated and by whom, among other details. Metadata is what a file system uses to find and organize data and it’s the foundation for performance in Panzura's hybrid cloud global file system, CloudFS.

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How Panzura CloudFS Uses Global Metadata

Panzura CloudFS™ consolidates enterprise data in the cloud and facilitates performant cloud file operations for users and processes.

Every node in the file system has the metadata for the entire file system, locally. Since every node has all of the metadata, every location can read any data from any location. That means there is no need to duplicate or mirror files between sites – files are stored as a single source of truth in the cloud, and cached locally for high performance.

In an enterprise-grade distributed cloud file system, global metadata enables two key aspects to performance — local access speed and global synchronization speed.


Fast Local Access

Panzura uses flash storage for fast metadata access and caching. Flash enables the system to handle random IOPS (Input/Output Operations Per Second) workloads extremely quickly, and to respond efficiently to sequential read requests when users try to open files. High IOPS and low latency are essential to file system performance.

Flash storage is about 100 times faster than legacy disk drives and provides up to 400 times more IOPS. So even on a traditional array, it makes sense to put metadata on flash where user requests will be served quickly. Every major enterprise storage solution uses flash for metadata and caching.

Fast Global Synchronization

If a user changes a file in one office, file metadata needs to update immediately in every other location, or your productivity can be negatively impacted. Panzura’s patented technology keeps metadata synchronized in real time, in every node, in every location so your entire team has an up-to-the-moment view of every file, whether they’re working from your head office, or from their home.

Learn more about how Panzura CloudFS uses metadata:


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