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Panzura Edge solves your toughest file sharing challenges securely, anytime, anywhere, on any device

Gruppe 51@2x

Extend Highly Secure File Access to Remote Users While Keeping Control

Panzura® Edge takes you far beyond typical file sync and share services, allowing you to extend secure file access to your remote users and tightly controlled, restricted file access to authorized users outside your organization. With Edge, there’s no need to make copies of files, or to move data out of your protected, ransomware-resilient CloudFS file environment. Instead, you can empower your remote workers and partners to collaborate securely while your data stays visible, well managed and well governed.
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Ensure secure, compliant, mobile file data access for your teams

When your teams work on mobile devices, the risks from most common file sync and share services can be significant. They’re not designed to preserve ransomware protection, nor vital governance and auditing capabilities. Their use easily leads to file copy sprawl, and file silo proliferation outside IT oversight. This added risk and overhead can erode your teams’ productivity. Edge addresses these concerns, and is proven for even the most sensitive mobile file sharing needs.

Enhance file collaboration across your distributed enterprise, at scale

Your customers and partners expect seamless collaboration at the speed of business. Seconds and minutes waiting for files to open easily turn into hours of lost productivity over the course of a year. Poor communication and collaboration can lead to costly rework. With Edge, you’ll get fast file access, enterprise-class performance, and an intuitive collaboration experience—including Microsoft Teams integration.

Empower remote image file and CAD access via your mobile devices

When your teams have local-feeling mobile access to image and CAD files, communication is radically improved. When that access is highly secure, the business has less risk. If your teams, partners, or vendors use AutoCAD, Edge lets them travel lighter with secure CAD access through their mobile devices, including interactive 3D schematics and more.

Enable secure, governed file sharing across organizations anytime, anywhere

Your customers and partners trust that project files being shared are secure, and that compliance needs are met. But most common file sync and share tools undermine your control and visibility. They don’t let you secure and control data residency, manage encryption keys, or audit your files. With Edge, even the most sensitive, secretive workloads requiring dark sites are supported. And you’ll get more peace of mind, knowing collaboration is governed and compliant.


Easy to use, easy to navigate

Panzura Edge is intuitive for users, reducing the demands on IT time, support, and oversight.

Take productivity to the edge

With a built-in AutoCAD Viewer and Teams integration, Edge unleashes secure productivity.

Hyper-secure, dark site proven

Panzura Edge is trusted to support secure collaboration, even for workloads requiring dark sites.

Anytime, anywhere, any device

Edge supports Windows and Mac desktops, Android and iOS mobile devices, and popular web browsers.

Bring the resilience, security and scalability of CloudFS to your remote teams

If storage is sufficient, Edge has no file size limit. Talk with us about your specific environment and challenges — we'll recommend the best method for your network that provides a server message block (SMB) connection between Edge, CloudFS, and your Active Directory.

The end result — a seamless, local-feeling extension of secure file access to any device, anywhere, anytime, without a VPN. Users retain full control over their data by creating password-protected zip files. Large files can be uploaded without the need for a plugin. If connectivity is lost during the upload, when it’s restored, the data flow seamlessly continues without restart.

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Seamless, Secure Data Access

Create a secure avenue to data for conventional internet connections, without needing a VPN, creating copies of data, or moving assets out of a ransomware resilient environment.

Panzura Edge Diagram

Easy to deploy.

Edge is self-hosted, and is deployable either on-premises or through IAAS in the cloud of your choice. It installs on a Windows server. It even supports high-availability (HA) architectures.

Easy to administer.

Edge provides an intuitive, web-based Admin Portal for configuration, and provides options to manage the right level of control and access across a wide variety of users.

Easy to meet tough challenges.

Edge is ideal for inhospitable conditions, massive files, tough security requirements, and complex file views. There is no file size limit if you have sufficient storage.

Gruppe 29@2x

"Panzura gibt uns die Flexibilität, im Laufe der Zeit zu wachsen, und bietet uns die Leistung, die wir brauchen, zu berechenbaren Preisen."

Amerikanisches College für Radiologie

Explore the Power of Edge, Book a Demo

Ready to get secure, performant file access to your users and partners, wherever they are?

Let's talk about how Edge extends your file reach, while you keep your file data controlled, secure and protected against ransomware.
Book a Demo


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