White Papers

Panzura Data Services

Panzura Data Services gives you a unified dashboard to manage and control your CloudFS data, and it supports ransomware detection. Powerful analytics also make it easy to see exactly what’s taking up space in storage.

Panzura Data Services Technical Whitepaper

Complete Data Visibility and Management

A modern organization's greatest asset is its data. Forward-thinking leadership understands the impact it can have on strategy and their ability to make better decisions. Gaining a competitive edge, or achieving ambitious goals depends on the ability to intelligently manage, find, audit, analyze and work with trustworthy data quickly, easily and efficiently.

Conversely, the impact of being unable to manage the entire data set ranges from lost productivity and lost opportunity – which can be difficult to accurately assess – to heavy fines through inability to recognize when data regulations have been breached and take corrective action.

Panzura Data Services is an extension of the Panzura CloudFS hybrid cloud platform that provides complete visibility, always-on governance, and real-time global data search and retrieval.

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