Panzura CloudFS
CloudFS transforms complex, multicomponent, and often multi-vendor environments into a simplified data management solution, while addressing cost reduction, risk mitigation, and operational complexity.
It's tougher than ever for organizations to be productive and resilient, if they don't have file data under control.
Panzura's Hybrid Cloud Platform lets you seamlessly move your file data into the cloud, deliver it flawlessly to people and processes in real time, make it resilient to ransomware and other damage, and control spiraling storage costs.
Panzura's hybrid cloud solutions empower organizations with productivity that gives them a competitive edge, file data resilience that allows their IT teams to focus on innovation instead of operations, and cost savings that allow them to maximize profitability.
Solve file access challenges, reduce storage costs, boost resilience against data damage, and gain visibility for data governance - all in a single, unified hybrid cloud platform.
The Panzura Hybrid Cloud Platform gives you:
Optimize, right-size, and scale data management; secure files; and speed infrastructure modernization.
Stop ransomware in its tracks with detection technology that spots anomalous behavior and switches off the affected users.
Accelerate "anytime, anywhere" user productivity, support compliance ease while slashing storage costs.
Panzura Hybrid Cloud Platform enables organizations to move to cloud object storage, boost data resilience, and achieve data compliance without compromising performance and productivity. At the same time, it allows them to control the spiraling storage costs that result from exponential increases in file data volumes and backup requirements.
The hybrid-cloud file data platform is underpinned by CloudFS, the fastest global cloud file system on the planet. CloudFS uniquely empowers immediate global file data consistency, allowing organizations to overcome the challenge of distance with a high-performance file environment that lets everyone do their best work. Compatible with all leading cloud storage, CloudFS consolidates file data in a global namespace with granular deduplication that dramatically reduces storage requirements, and immutability that allows rapid restoration of pristine files without losing data.
Data Services is a platform extension that provides lightning-fast file search, audit, data recovery, and analysis across files in CloudFS. That gives you complete visibility, always-on governance, and real-time metadata access in a single dashboard.
Detect and Rescue extends data resilience by letting you get ahead of ransomware with early detection. Using proprietary AI-infused training, Detect and Rescue spots even slow-moving and unknown ransomware variants, stopping attacks before they can take hold.
Panzura Edge extends CloudFS to remote users and project partners, with secure file sharing via mobile devices to help improve productivity, protect intellectual property, prevent file duplication, and keep files within your ransomware-resilient environment.
Learn how to solve your cloud file challenges with a personalized demo from a Panzura hybrid cloud expert.
Download the 2024 Gartner Market Guide for Hybrid Cloud Storage for guidance on file services.
Optimize your hybrid cloud storage infrastructure, simplify unstructured data management, improve security.