Solution Briefs

Panzura CloudFS and Cloudian HyperStore Modernize File Management

Cloudian HyperStore is highly secure, exabyte-scalable, S3-compatible on-premise object storage that reduces storage costs by up to 70%, and is hybrid multi-cloud ready.

Panzura CloudFS and Cloudian HyperStore Modernize File Management

Panzura provides a hybrid-cloud global file system extensible across hundreds of locations, allowing users to work as if they’re in the same room. Together, Panzura CloudFS and Cloudian help enterprises modernize, manage and scale their file and storage infrastructure with a globally available, highly performant NAS and Object Storage solution.

The joint solution optimizes the enterprise unstructured data footprint, scales as required and delivers one authoritative data source for multiple locations in a resilient file system without replicating data.

One Authoritative Data Source Across Multiple Sites

Panzura’s global file system overcomes latency to allow multiple locations to operate as if everyone works under the same roof, using one set of data. Regardless of number of locations or distance between them, every user enjoys local-feeling file performance, automatic global file locking and immediate global data consistency.

Reduce Your Unstructured Data Storage Costs by up to 70%

The Panzura / Cloudian solution is architected for maximum storage efficiency and maximum performance. Storing data in legacy NAS at multiple sites inevitably results in a significant amount of duplication.

Panzura’s granular deduplication process identifies and strips out duplicated data at the 128kb block level and Cloudian’s storage density further reduces the storage space your enterprise requires.

Empower Real-Time Collaboration with Immediate Data Consistency

With Panzura, changed data from all locations is deduplicated, encrypted, compressed and then synced to the Cloudian object store, and to every location within the network, every 60 seconds.

If any location requires access to the most recent changes made to a file before this sync runs, a peer-to-peer connection is made to transfer changed data blocks between locations.

Improve Data Resilience Without Replication

Panzura and Cloudian replace traditional methods of replicating data for backup and disaster recovery. Instead, lightweight snapshots are taken at configurable intervals and can be stored in any Cloudian S3 cloud bucket, providing a granular point-in-time ability to restore individual files, folders or even the entire file system as required.

Become Invulnerable to Ransomware

Snapshots are stored as immutable data (Write Once, Read Many), so cannot be encrypted in the event of a ransomware or other malware attack. Changed data is stored as new data blocks, which do not overwrite existing data blocks. This allows enterprises to recover from a ransomware attack, if needed, by restoring unencrypted files from previous snapshots, minimizing lost data and recovery time without paying a cent in ransom.

Migrate to Object Storage Without Rewriting a Single Application

Critical legacy applications that are written for files can’t read data stored as object blocks and rewriting them presents a significant barrier to moving to object storage. With Panzura, legacy apps just work without rewriting a line of code.

Share Data Securely Outside of your Organization

Panzura’s enterprise file sync and share solution is natively integrated with CloudFS to allow controlled sharing of files externally according to your organization’s security policy, without replicating data through a third party file sharing service.

A Complete View Over your Entire File System

Panzura data services empowers enterprises to ingest unstructured data from Panzura’s global file system (as well as any other SMB or NFS file share) and search, audit, analyze and monitor their entire file network from one elegant dashboard. IT teams can even find moved, or deleted files within seconds, spot threats and breaches quickly and demonstrate compliance easily.

Durability, Scalability and Resilience at a Compelling Price

Cloudian HyperStore object storage can scale to billions of objects and exabytes of capacity while protecting data with better effectiveness than RAID. In addition, due to the discrete scale-out architecture of object storage, drive failures have little impact, and self-healing replication functions recover quickly. Cloudian HyperStore provides unmatched data durability with flexible erasure coding and replication options.

This combination of scale and robustness makes Cloudian HyperStore an ideal target for warehousing enterprise data. Even greater redundancy can be achieved by leveraging Cloudian storage as secondary storage.

Panzura’s ability to empower teams to work across sites while using Cloudian HyperStore as their single authoritative data source delivers latency-crushing file performance and local networking technology such as real time file locking and immediate data consistency across the entire network. This allows IT departments to manage one set of data in a resilient file system, one security policy across the entire enterprise, streamlines and simplifies backup and DR processes and minimizes investment in storage capacity

Solution Components
✓ Cloudian HyperStore
✓ Panzura CloudFS
✓ Panzura CloudFS Archive, NAS or Collaboration
✓ Panzura Data Services

Optional Components
✓ Panzura Mobile (File Sync and Share)

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