
Stay Up, Even When Your Primary Storage Goes Down.

When cloud storage goes down, cloud-stored data is inaccessible. Panzura CloudFS cloud mirroring allows organizations o place the same set of data in two separate object stores, giving you cloud redundancy with high availability.


When data is critical to powering your organization, it’s paramount that your files are available whenever they’re needed, wherever they’re needed, to any authorized user or process looking for them.

Redundancy within your IT stack is as critical as it has ever been, and as experience has shown, even the giant public cloud storage providers can experience outages. Infrequent though they may be, their disruptive nature can prove exceptionally costly.

In this whitepaper, we explore how Panzura's unique cloud mirroring — available through the CloudFS hybrid cloud file platform — lets you place the same set of data in two separate object stores, giving you data redundancy with high availability. If your primary cloud goes down, CloudFS switches to your secondary cloud store, with no interruption and no data loss, letting you carry on while your primary cloud provider is offline.

Download the pdf for immediate access to the complete whitepaper.

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