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Modern Hybrid Cloud Data Management Solutions

From data resilience to global file delivery, solve the toughest and most important data problems you face with hybrid cloud solutions from Panzura.

Use Cases

Panzura's data management solutions provide command and control of data, resilience in the face of data damage and ransomware, and secure, immediate data delivery for people, processes, and workloads, wherever they are.

NAS consolidation & data deduplication

Consolidación del NAS

Eliminate data silos and endless storage refreshes. Optimize storage infrastructure with a modern, elegant approach to unstructured data that boosts resilience and enables command and control.

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Global file collaboration & immediate file synchronization

Global File Collaboration

Forget delays and version conflicts across multiple sites. Accelerate collaboration with global file synchronization so fast, teams can work together on files in real time, wherever they are.

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Datos inmutables + instantáneas inmutables = resistencia de los datos

Disaster Recovery

Gain resilience with data that bends but doesn't break. Get ahead of attacks with proactive detection and interdiction. Accelerate recovery time with immutable data restored in minutes from immutable snapshots.

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Automating corporate data governance and compliance with Panzura

Governance & Compliance

Ease the IT burden of ensuring data is appropriately managed, secured, and utilized. Automate scanning, tagging, and subsequent data placement with an intelligent hybrid cloud data services platform.

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Zero trust AI data broker - Panzura data management solutions

Zero Trust Data Broker

Streamline data access, enhance security, and maintain compliance while optimizing LLM training and performance in a zero trust environment that enables global trusted data access for AI.

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Panzura empowers improved workflows

Migración de datos

Streamline the migration process to start moving data earlier, accelerate data transfer, and enable fine-grained, policy-driven data placement once data has arrived in the target storage bucket.

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