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Hybrid cloud storage & file services are on the rise

Consolidate file data in the cloud of your choice. Make it bulletproof, so you can rapidly shrug off ransomware. Deliver files to people and processes — wherever they are, whenever they need it, faster than anybody else can. All with one hybrid cloud file platform.

Welcome to Panzura.

Hybrid cloud storage & file services to fuel your innovation — Panzura
Moonwalk Logo - Panzura Acquires Moonwalk

Panzura Acquires Moonwalk to Bolster Hybrid-Cloud File Data Management

The most competitive organizations can do more, faster.

It's incredibly tough to be in IT. Every minute spent trying to solve slow file access challenges, see what’s going on in siloed storage environments, keep data safe, move it around, or beat back ransomware attacks is a minute that holds business back.

Panzura empowers today's digitally-led organizations to do impossible things with file data, making them more agile, efficient, resilient, and productive.

Explore the platform →

Streamline file operations. Prioritize innovation.

When IT teams plan storage infrastructure modernization projects, they typically find that file data poses a challenge that few hybrid cloud solutions are well equipped to address.

File data is often amongst the most valuable data an organization holds. In many cases, files aren’t just valuable – they are the business product.

Even files that aren’t actively in use hold immense value by way of business intelligence and insights, which can be mined by AI.

That means the hybrid cloud storage and file services platform they choose has the ability to unlock immense value and productivity for their teams and their workflows.

Fuel your innovation with hybrid cloud storage & file services that make cloud migrations easy

Bolster your data resilience.

  • Make your data immutable to bad actors and unintentional damage with cyberstorage.
  • Stop ransomware in its tracks with AI-driven detection and precise, automatic interdiction.
  • Restore clean file data in seconds, without data loss.
  • Safeguard data with DoD-grade encryption and air-gapped data protection.
  • Get built-in backup, disaster recovery, and cloud storage resilience.

Gain visibility of your data, users, and usage.

  • Understand the file data you're storing and how it's being used.
  • Identify user account behavior anomalies in real time to protect your assets.
  • Free up storage space and budget with the intelligence you need to make good decisions.
  • Ermöglichen Sie Ihren Teams die globale Zusammenarbeit ohne Latenzzeiten oder Datenverfälschung.
  • Save thousands of IT hours a year with streamlined file operations.

Deliver file data flawlessly, globally.

  • Maximize productivity and innovation by letting distributed teams work like they're all in the same room.
  • Empower performant, real time file collaboration from edge, to core, to cloud.
  • Turn the cloud (or any object store) into the fastest global file system on the planet.
  • Dramatically reduce storage volumes with granular, hyper-efficient consolidation and deduplication.
  • Prepare file data to leverage AI-driven insights and innovation in your own unique context.

Master file data management, in and out of public and private cloud.

The minutes users spend every day waiting for files to open and save are not trivial. File sharing that makes users wait for file updates to show up is a serious drain on productivity. Inability to see and understand where data is stored and what's being done with it creates risk. It all slows business down.

Empower true digital transformation by creating an environment where users, processes, and AI all have immediate, secure access to the file data they need, wherever they need it, so everyone can do their best work.

Control unstructured, file data sprawl and unconstrained growth. And, more easily fend off threats and mitigate disruption with multiple layers of resiliency.

ROI. That's why.

Better outcomes. Less cost. More speed. Greater productivity. Hardened resilience. All from Panzura.

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Verlassen Sie sich nicht auf unser Wort. Hier ist, was unsere Kunden sagen.

Disney Afry New Orleans Saints Fluor Goop Milwaukee

In jedem einzelnen Land gibt es Panzura , und sie arbeiten weltweit zusammen. Das ist von grundlegender Bedeutung, denn die meiste Zeit der letzten 20 Jahre waren diese Regionen in Silos untergebracht und wir mussten Inhalte hin und her schieben.

- Walt Disney Gesellschaft

Mit Panzura haben wir ein globales Cloud-Dateisystem über alle Standorte hinweg eingeführt, das es Ingenieuren und Designern ermöglicht, als ein globales Team zusammenzuarbeiten, was die Produktivität deutlich erhöht und unser Ergebnis verbessert."

- Afry

Panzura löst seit über einem Jahrzehnt Cloud-Datenprobleme von Unternehmen und weiß, wie man mit den kritischen Daten von Sportteams umgeht. Wir freuen uns, dass sie unsere Cloud-Datenprobleme für die nächsten Jahre lösen werden. Wir haben den Partner gefunden, nach dem wir gesucht haben."

- New Orleans Saints

Wir haben eine Cloud-first-Strategie eingeführt und Panzura ausgewählt, um unsere herkömmliche Speicherumgebung zu konsolidieren, unstrukturierte Daten in der Cloud zu zentralisieren und zu verwalten und unsere Betriebskosten zu senken."

- Fluor

Wir nutzen die AWS-Cloud und wollten eine Lösung, die eine Multi-Cloud-Architektur unterstützt. Mit Panzura laufen unsere Cloud-Datenumgebungen einwandfrei. Und Daten zu organisieren und zugänglich zu machen, ist Gold wert!"

- Goop

Die Lösung Panzura war für uns ein echter Wendepunkt. Im Wesentlichen haben wir eine globale Organisation geschaffen, die jetzt virtuell im selben Raum arbeitet.

- Eric Hanson, VP für IT und Geschäftsoptimierung, Milwaukee

Hybrid cloud storage solutions for maximum performance, security, and resilience.

We work with all popular cloud storage providers, as well as on-premises object stores, so you can move, manage, see, and work with file data in and out of the cloud of your choice. And, you can gain even greater resilience when you mirror file data to a secondary cloud.

Mehr erfahren

AWS Microsoft Azure Google Wolke IBM Wasabi
Cloudian Del EMC Backblaze MinIO Seagate Lyve

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