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Webinar: Stop Ransomware in its Tracks

Apr 30 - 30 @ 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT

Panzura Erkennen und Retten
Reading Time: < 1 minute

When ransomware strikes, time is the enemy. In fact, Cybereason's 2024 study into the true cost of ransomware to businesses revealed that 56% of businesses that experienced a ransomware attack failed to detect it for 3-12 months.

By that time, the damage is done and the costs are mounting.

Panzura's new Detect and Rescue takes aim at even the most subtle and slow-moving ransomware, including variants nobody has seen before. Now, you can detect attacks as soon as they start, stop them before they take hold, and roll back rapidly to pristine data.

Join us to find out Panzura Detect and Rescue — coupled with the immutable global file system CloudFS — delivers an unrivaled level of data resilience to businesses worldwide. We'll show you through the solution including a demo, let you know what's crucial for data protection, and include a live Q&A.

Register here for the event, and the on-demand recording


April 30
11:00 Uhr - 12:00 UhrPDT
Kategorie der Veranstaltung:



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