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Another day, another leading analyst organization pointing out the excellence of the Panzura CloudFS global file system. In its annual and authoritative 2024-25 Top Five Enterprise Muti-site File Collaboration Solutions, once again, Data Center Intelligence Group (DCIG) designated CloudFS as being among the top five. Some of the features setting CloudFS apart include:

Data Management

Citing advanced data management capabilities, including global accessibility, immutable storage, enhanced security, and superior performance in multi-site environments, DCIG sums up the system’s exceptional ability to simplify data management across complex enterprise environments.

Shift the balance of power in the fight against ransomware.

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Secure and Comprehensive Workloads

Enterprise IT leaders take note: With the cloud-native CloudFS global namespace, you gain a unified view of data across on-premises and hybrid clouds. Without sacrificing security, you can also set up comprehensive workloads across any public or private cloud environment. And the CloudFS design also enhances data accessibility and streamlines archiving and disaster recovery.

“The sheer volume of data out there is staggering — keeping that data stored and safe, while trying to make sense of it all and use it effectively is one of the biggest challenges facing businesses today,” said Panzura Global Head of Sales Engineering Raul Sanchez. “Solving that challenge for our customers is our number one objective.”

The annual DCIG report helps enterprise IT and data management leaders in making informed decisions about technologies that support their strategic and operational needs. Panzura's repeated inclusion in this report is a testament to the robust capabilities of CloudFS data management, the heart of the Panzura Platform.