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See also:

Part 1, Global Cloud File System Architectural Design: Smarter, Faster, and Immutable

Part 3, Ransomware Protection: Lose Nothing

Here in this Part 2, we explain another differentiator of the Panzura CloudFS global file system: how it handles byte-range file locking, file sharing, file-locking, and global file consistency.

File-Sharing and -Locking

Where competitive systems "share" by doling out multiple copies of a file that then need to be reconciled, CloudFS works differently (and better). It’s the only global file system with real-time data consistency across all sites. This means that if multiple users try to access the same file, only the first user who opened the file can work on it. During their session, the file is locked to all others, who each receive a notification with two options. They can either be notified when the lock no longer persists, or they can download a read-only copy.

Let’s say they choose a read-only copy. The single source of truth is protected. If changes are made to the file, it can only be saved using a unique filename.

When the first user finishes and saves the file, their updates persist and are cached. The changes are added to the metadata, the object store is updated, the new state is written to all nodes, and the lock clears. Now, the second user in line for access is notified of file availability. If this user opens the updated version, the lock mechanism is again invoked.

Global file locking allows geographically distributed users to work collaboratively without overwriting each other or creating multiple file versions. Panzura file-locking works to ensure that data is consistent and accessible across all locations.

Shift the balance of power in the fight against ransomware.

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